Comment résoudre le défaut d'arrêtoir de culasse

How to resolve the slide stop issue

We are delighted to welcome you to this page dedicated to resolving the problem of the slide stop issue.

Information :

Hardware required for installation :

  • Metal file

Important :

Always wear protective eyewear when handling airsoft products.


First of all, it is crucial to understand that to ensure the proper functioning of the slide stop, it is essential to adjust your PSI so that the slide of your replica completes a complete cycle.
It is essential to emphasize that there is no universal PSI value, despite some persistent beliefs.

When adjusting your PSI, take into account the regulations as well as the weight of your slide, which varies depending on the materials used and the accessories mounted (for example: RMR optic).

In general, the heavier your slide, the more power it will require to complete a complete cycle.

Custom springs or short stroke modifications can also influence barrel output values ​​and require additional adjustments.

We advise you to get closer to the PSI values ​​recommended by the manufacturer of your replica, which are generally:

Glock 17:

  • Plastic slide: 80 to 110 PSI
  • Aluminum slide: 110 to 140 PSI (use 180/200% hammer spring)
  • Steel slide: 140 to 160 PSI (use 200% hammer spring)

AAP-01 :

  • 100 to 140 PSI (use 180/200% hammer spring)

Now let's move on to adjusting the slide stop.
On the market, various brands and generations of Glock type replicas are available, each with its own specifications.
It may happen, in certain cases, that on certain models, the slide stop presents a hooking problem, which disrupts the proper functioning of the empty magazine detection.

In certain situations, the slide stop may contact the end of the magazine lips.
To resolve this problem there is a simple modification to make, which I explain to you below:

Adjustment of the slide stop


Here are the two types of slide stops that can be found on different versions of Glock replicas.

Most newer generation models are equipped with an ambidextrous version.


Here is an example where the gap between the slide stop and the end of the magazine lips is sufficient to ensure optimal functioning.

As you can see, the slide stop does not rub against the magazine lips.


In this example, you can see that the gap between the slide stop and the end of the lips is not sufficient.
The slide stop is in contact with the magazine lips.
This creates a snagging issue, causing disruptions in the proper functioning of the slide stop.


To resolve this issue, you'll need to remove the slide stop from your replica and carefully file down approximately 1 mm of the indicated area using a metal file.
This will create the necessary space between these two components.

Thank you for following our guide.
Do not hesitate to consult our FAQ in case of difficulties or if you need additional assistance.

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